Friday, May 23, 2008

Jungle 5.1 Release Candidate

Jungle 5.1 is nearly finalized. It has entered the Release Candidate stage. I'm also beginning to post the specs of spells at the right-side panel of the homepage. So far I have a few of them up and running. I will write up some more during this week.

You can download the release candidate build here.

Current build is 5.0.5099d-lab6-2008-0523-2315
updated: May 23, 2008 11:15pm

Below is the build history of Release Candidates:

Version 5.1 Release Candidate 3 build 5099d.lab6 - May 23, 2008
- (bug) fixed a bug that if Cat got Mind Controlled, the game should end.
- (bug) fixed a bug that an incorrect unit spawned in Zealot Buying Place, which trigger an endless unit recreation.

Version 5.1 Release Candidate 2 build 5099c.lab6 - May 20, 2008
- (bug) fixed bugs that Observer Modes for P2 - P7 don't move DTs away from Beacon
- (feature) added codes to show instructions on choosing game mode
- (feature) modified codes for Cat's Refund DT so it gives $400 first, then gives Cat $30 per second (needs 20 seconds to fully refund a DT)

Version 5.1 Release Candidate 1 build 5099b.lab6 - May 20, 2008
- (feature) added codes to remove unspent Creep Infestation after 30 seconds
- (balance) increased manual feeds for Cat which negate the change in build 5099
- (balance) reduced DT requirement for Cat's Monkey Vessel from 2DTs to 1DT with another existing DT in posession
- (balance) increased DT requirement for Cat's Refund DT from 1DT to 1DT with another existing DT in posession
- (balance) reduced Stupid Rodney (Scourge)'s HP in order for Devourer to be able to 1-hit-kill Scourge, HP from 25 to 12.

Version 5.1 Release Candidate 5099 - May 16, 2008
- (bug) fixed Mice Buy Stupid Jeremy sound back to Templar
- (balance) reduced manual feeds for Cat on Civilians, Lings, Zealots, Cannons
- (balance) reduced Cat's feeds from Razing, increased razing score requirement from 500 to 600.
- (bug) modified codes to change ownership from Player 6 to Current Player for Creep Infestation to fix problem with creep not extending when placed.


Anonymous said...

haha first 1 to discover the made map as usual
i can see alot changes, gonna try it out asap, gonna be good =D
why did i become alot cheaper?

beBoy said...

LOL. I've always wanted to ask you, did you create this account just cuz of the Mouse Hole in this map?

Anyways, it's much cheaper to start with now because I want more people to think of using it as an alternative to stargate. I'm still thinking to have something else to be intermediate walling between Hardest Wall (Fleet beacon) and Hard Wall (Stargate), but in the meanwhile, i want to promote Mouse Hole a little more.

Anonymous said...

yes when i was tryin to create a new account, i thought that since i play cnm the most, why dont i create something cnm-related?
well this name was the only 1 not taken back then i could think of haha

btw i rly hope u could start on random winter again, it seems that i enjoy that map more than jungle

beBoy said...

HA, for winter. I run into a bit of trouble with Winter - It's too easy for me when I'm cat!

Yet, when observing general game play, it's too hard for average cat.

So I'm thinking, how am I going to mod Winter to make it more intuitive for an average person, while giving me some challenge.

Just to whine about the loses, I lost 12 times as cat in winter throughout about 5+ years, and all you need are 2 good mice players to make me lose. When you think of the odds then you'll clearly see it's the noobies that are causing the problem. They just die really easily despite the safes are absolute. They die more often and easier than they do in Jungle.

If I were to make the kills less potent then it'll be even harder for average Cat to keep up with Mice. This implies I'll need some creativity to stir up the "equation".

Any ideas?

Anonymous said...

well im still a semi-noob to winter cuz i dont even have a random winter map lol
i think the only time i saw the random version was also the ONLY time i saw devin/krato playin it, forgot who it was.
with the jump glitch for cat, it def stops the mice from hidin indefinitely but it also takes a relatively long time for cat to kill 1 pro mouse player, even with few dts. cats just needs to know wat their doing, unlike jungle, few dts give u the option of bombs and just right click and be done with it.
then again, it takes a long time to get to those revisions and i dont think any1 could just come up with brilliant ideas to make a positive change
the only thing i could suggest, (this is to make me look not as dumb) is come up with new units for cats

beBoy said...

The reason why you saw the jump glitch is cuz either Devin or Kratos is cat (most likely Kratos). He often spend 3 DTs to buy the Defiler and jump the Cat. He most likely could've spent it on the lings to get the game over with.

Yes, Winter is generally much harder, and this makes balancing even harder. In Jungle, you get early wallings and you start mass buildings. This makes having a "just buy and get this game over with" unit for cat works.

As for Winter, Cat doesn't really get to wall easily, and even so, the walls wont last. So having some powerful units wont really work. So there must be some really not-that-powerful but delicate spells/units to really make this game shine. One good example is the Vulture. It's hard to use, but it's really handy and really could scare people :-D.

Anonymous said...

well i think i mentioned to u i do want the random winter maps
do u still have any of them?
if nothing goes wrong i'd want to ask u favor of lettin me dl the map and walk me thru it haha

Anonymous said...

Why did you take the reavers out of this version? They were a little cheap, but I liked that there was something stronger than mouseholes that were movable. Plus I don't usually bother upping terran.

Where can I put space cheese in mousehole area so cat can't get through and I can? Or did you get rid of that to make the mousehole more important.

P.S. Are you going to take rigged ball out of the god area once beta is over?

beBoy said...

I took out Reaver just to free up some room for thingsthat are more mission critical. Reavers are now builable at Robotics Facility.
Refer to this page for how to wall with Space Cheese for now. I just recently started this thread and will put more illustrations later.
No, I am not removing the Rigged Ball in Cat's area. It is the GOD unit for Cat in this version that costs 14 DTs and equipped with free Mind Control.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I thought it was called a rigged ball because it was impossible to fit 14dts in there. So I wondering if when beta was over you would take it out so you can buy the god unit (which i thought was only the Archon). I had 14dts before and I think I was only able to fit 10 in.

I could have sworn in 2.2 you could put a space cheese one square behind the mouse hole and your probe could get through, but not the cat. Did you make space cheese work only horizontal recently?

These versions of cat and mice are the best. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Forget about the space cheese thing i just remembered. I feel really foolish now.

beBoy said...

You can fit in 13 DTs maximum completely in the box, and the 14th DT just touch the box area. Most people could only fit in 12DTs and have the remaining 2 touch the box area.

So you remembered, that's fine~ I didn't (well I can't) change anything regarding how Space Cheese works throughout all versions.

Anonymous said...

The Reaver costs 200 min and 100 vesp so it's impossible to buy. It's strange since in 5.0 it's just 200 min.

beBoy said...

It was a bug and was fixed in build 5096. You can download the latest build here.

It should cost 200 minerals only.

Anonymous said...

I was about to kill the cat with zealots and then a ton of zealots spawned in the buying area so that i couldn't buy anymore. Is that supposed to happen? I wouldn't mind so much if it didn't flood the chat with can't place zealot.

If you buy 9999 in transfer money and have 9999 minerals could you buy mind control?

Anonymous said...

HAH I did it! I spent an hour getting 20000 min and got Mind Control. First I Mind Controlled Teal so I had 3 probes then I Mind Controlled the cat. Oddly the game didn't end.

beBoy said...

I purposely made MindControl buyable while knowing how long it would take a player to have it researched - nearly an hour.

The zealot spawned at buying place is a bug. Please make sure you have the most recent build, and provide the build number so I can track the bug down.

The bug when Mind Controlling Cat doesn't end the game is currently being tracked and fixed.

Thanks for the input. Maybe I should create a bug thread here.

Anonymous said...

I was using may 20 at the time. I going to download may 23 right now.

Anonymous said...

Does this thing still works?

Anonymous said...

The map? Yah; the site, nope.