Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Plans for minor revisions to both Jungle and Winter

Alright, Jungle 5.0 is out of door, now what?

A list of things to add to both Jungle and Winter and here's the list:
Jungle 5.1
I have started a new post for this as the development has started.

Winter 3.0
- Easy mode and Hard mode, just like in Jungle.
- Better AntiFEED based on cat's movements near the safe
- Removing both "Confused Dog" and "Confused Bull Dog" spells in favor to a new transformation ability of Cat's ultralisks
- Medics at safe to heal cat, just like in Jungle 5.0.
- New God unit to replace DeathGod (Wraith)
- Possibly new creative spells
- Probably a better AntiBS trigger
- AntiFEED codes that kills obvious feedages like afk'er at start/safe.

I'm still dropping and gathering ideas so nothing has been done to either of the maps. I'm currently working on a Macro/Micro map, using Python as basis, and I'll probably start the jungle/winter projects soon after.

:edit Mar 12,08: I gave up on the Macro/Micro map as I couldn't fix the Protoss Upgrade issue when the Forge/CyberCore is disabled and enabled. And guys, any ideas that you would like to drop in? Make a comment~