Saturday, July 14, 2007

Jungle Q&A

Here are answers for some commonly asked/wondered questions:

Version 5.0
Q: It seems Protoss armor upgrade is faster than shield upgrade, is it true?
A: Yes it is true. Armor upgrades are faster than shield upgrades.

Q: What's the differences between Easy and Hard Mode?
A: I wont go into too detail, but the punch line is that Mice will end up getting more $$ in Easy Mode, thus ended up having an easier game.

Version 3.0 to 4.4
Q: What are taxes? What is the numbers on units' names?
A: Taxes is a map balance technique for Mice to balance out the inability of Cat to gather minerals. The number (example: tax 3, 5) implies after which point of time you will get taxed off every second. In the example shown above, having 3 or more of the unit will started getting taxed off, while having 5 or more of that unit will get taxed off even more.

Version 1.5 to 2.2
Q: Wow all of the sudden all my buildings die, what is this gayness?
A: There's a unmarked/hidden spell for cat that does this with 3 DTs. This is a spell that inspires Area Meltdown spell.

Version 1.0
Q: Wow my (Cat's) DTs are dying to cannons, why aren't they invincible?
A: It's me and RedKatana's fault. It's fixed in Version 1.1

General questions
Q: Where is RedKatana, how come I don't see him?
A: RedKatana seldomly gets online nowadays, that's why he is not in development of version 2 and 4.

Q: What is AntiFEED?
A: That goes to what is FEED. FEED refers to avoidable advantage to Cat caused by Mice. Usually it refers to Cat killing Nexus, Command Center, Dark Archon, Templars, and worst of all, Mice dying. AntiFEED only prevents Mice from saving other dead Mice when Cat is nearby (ie: right at its tail).


Unknown said...

How can i get version 5.0?
beboy is never on...

beBoy said...

Hi liang, The beta map can be downloaded at the following address:


Unknown said...

hmm need some1 to try out the map with, if beboy can go on he can walk me thru it also =D

beBoy said...

Unfortunately, exams are tiding me down so bad that I can't really get on, so what I would say is that you can simply host it and play. The map is fully functional, and choose the Easy Mode to have a better start with.

If you want to be observer of the game, after a cat has been chosen, walk your Chooser at top-right to your own beacon.

Unknown said...

oh lol im not a noob at this so its aight
i just dont wanna randomly host in public and let all the newbs have the game, selfish maybe
but wat i meant is like
is there a certain group of people u suggest playing with, aka more than decent players like eric and jinchuuriki(gG)

beBoy said...

Ohh, I see now. It's too bad that majority of people still play Jungle 2.2 or earlier versions, which are much easier than later versions. Cat's spells are only limited to unit-based back then. I personally don't mind playing with noobs, because I was once a noob, and my passion is to make everyone as uber lethal as possible.

Just fyi, Jinchuuriki(gG) (aka LF-Kratos) no longer uses this nick. I don't have his nick here, but I would point you to op teamheavy as that's his stay there. For eric, since you know him (and prolly have him in your f list), you could get him to play with you as well.

It's kindda a shame, but I'm not really good at Jungle, even I make the game. My role is to define the rules, so ppl like Jinchuuriki(gG) could fully take advantage of, and on top of that, to break the rules. I'm not saying there are some cheats or some sort, but rather, tricks that uses everything StarCraft offers. Such as vision, Cat's glitches, and movement flaws.

Unknown said...

Yeah, i love your maps. i got 5.0 from someone in _hv, sounded like he knows you. anyway, most people do still play 2.2, and they all cry when i host 5.0, they cry rigged constantly. it's a damn shame too.

keep up the good work. everyone that cries rigged i send them here to read/evaluate. and so they know you made 2.2 also.

beBoy said...

russell: Yes I do know someone in clan TeamHeavy. In fact his name is in the credit of the map.

Yup it's good to send everyone here to know what's going on with the map. I'm also expecting alot of hatred and brainless comments as well.