Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ideas and Suggestions are always nice

Just finished a game in the new beta. There was a noob that not only couldn't get his own base, but he built his nexus way far and mine with 1 probe. On top of that, all he was getting are Dark Archon, and chase the cat to Maelstorm regardless what the cat was doing. The cat got annoyed and said "I wish I could ban Dark Archon in the game!!!", and then I thought, this would be a nice idea...~

Yup, so I've decided to try that and replace Ghost with it. Not too sure how it'll turn out but oh well, let's just try.

I wanted to credit that cat for this but forgot his screen name. So yah, suggestions or ideas are always good.


Andy said...

To be honest, I think thats a horrible idea. What the noob is doing is ridiculously stupid, but the cat must be getting fed a huge amount, unless he was ignoring the DA until they had sufficient energy to mael. DA was effective both against cats and against infesteds, providing a much needed time reprieve. What I WOULD support is a small increase in the energy required...say, to 60. That way, cat has a much better chance of reaching the DA and killing it.

beBoy said...

The mael mana requirement is 85 currently (with 78 at by default), yah I share the same vision with you on this one. Cat would hardly ignore the DA due to 1) noobs would kill whatever they see that they can kill, and 2) pros will chase because it'll leave them with problems and most of all, the feed more than Nexus.

No, cat wasn't getting any feed except from that noob, and all that noob do was to mine with 1 probe and get DA and mael and die. What's irratating is that the soonest the noob got a DA, he chase the cat and mael regardless of where cat was. Now, in terms of pro gaming, having a DA out with default mana almost close to 85 is crucial as someone really needs it to survive. Raising the mael mana cost only solves the "mael forever" problem, but it doesn't stop noobs from doing it upon purchase.

Anonymous said...

that noob wasnt me right...?
wat i want to point out is
no matter how much u try to make the flaws, do realize there will be always exceptions
you can't always please everybody everytime, but do try to please most ppl at most times
( mice > cat)

beBoy said...

good point Mousehole. I may sound like crazy, but humans, with a controlled environment (the map itself, units that it allows ppl to buy, etc...), they can still break it apart and create gameplays on their-own (eg. lift cc hide probe while building).

Yes, Mice team > Cat solo solely based on the fairness that team effort always > solo effort. This also implies that Mice team screw up rate and consequence > Cat's screw up rate and consequence. That's why the map seems to be Cat's favored.

While I have added something that will help Cat in proportion to what a Cat would normally do - Kill units/buildings. It is also a transparent thing that most Cat wont notice, same thing for the "tax" in version 5.0, which most Mice players wont notice.

Yes, I do things to please the general public, as it's the general public that I make this game for. I'm also targetting the pros as well, but simply taking out cheesy tactics are a bit too far. What I'm aiming is somewhere between being able/unable to be cheesy, which is exactly why disabling any type of buyable units in the game is interesting. There are plenty of ways to prevent freezing and building, namely the invincible spell which puts the cat to be invincible thus immune of maelstorm; OR burn money so mice can't rebuild; OR mind control the stargate that's still building and then cancel it. But I always like twists, and see how a sure-win cat to lose, and vice versa. That's why the magnet and base raider are there.

I always like these conversations so plz keep them up.

Anonymous said...

it'd be nice to have more ppl on here besides me and u.
i'll try to get more ppl to go on ur website more often
but to be honest, i feel bad for sayin this
many ppl i know doesnt like how the versions all turned out and in term put their anger on u so :/
personally i dislike the changes in the cat section
i think the better thing to do is
not too many variations
but more different and effectiveness based on the number of cat dt's available, like
1 dt is a certain spell, 2 dts is a certain spell, and so on, with prolly overlap of few spells

beBoy said...

That's perfectly fine that ppl put anger on me cuz the more I try to balance the more I mess it up. This is why I have this site up so to hope people come in and argue with me. I always want people to inspire me. Most map makers aren't really good at their own maps and I'm one of them. I frankly don't know every possible game play in my map, even I "designed" most of them.

If possible, I want this site flooded with comments like what Andy's comment above. I was so happy that there's someone besides me thinking of the increase of mana for Maelstorm, this shows at least I'm on the right track that someone would agree on this change.

If your friends hate the new versions, then I would really wanna know why they hate it, how they hate it, and thus to understand how they would like the map to be. A simple say "I just don't like it, that's it" doesn't really cut it. We all hate something for some reason, there must be something that ticks people off thus ended up not liking/hating it.

So if possible, let me know why and how they hate the maps and since 5.1 isn't official, I can always restart the whole process.

Anonymous said...

I find it really annoying when people say WTF because they can't save. Ofcourse I know it's because cat is five steps away and Anti-feed is still activated, but other people who don't know this are always screaming and yelling.

Do you think you can put a message up when this happens like: can't save, cat is too close or Anti-feed is still activated.

snow said...

kinda random, but 2.2 is the only jungle ver i play. cause when it starts getting into the 3's and 5's i feel the cat starts gettin a lil rigged. like for instance, in vers 5 it gets kinda ridiculous trying to kill the cat. and if u get a pro thats cat, good luck, cause hes not guna die. and i know ur doin the whole classic cat n mouse jungle. couple suggestions.. keep it simple, all the new spells and units for cat can get a lil overwhelming, u had it down perfect with 2.2 . and also one of my favorite parts of ur maps that youve revolutionized is the optional cat idea. I dont like the whole 'it has to be random' business. some people like to be cat, and they have to rely on luck to get cat.

beBoy said...

Hi snow,

My answer to the community (it's getting really obvious that ppl like how things are in 2.2) is my new Classic Cat n Mouse Jungle line. The balancing is based on 2.2 (so don't expect spells like Mice Magnet or Base Raiders are in it). Rather than focusing on spells, I simply put in regular stuffs that I did for version 3 and later, such as the AntiFEED (prevents obvious feeds to Cat), better Restore Minerals, Transfer Money for mice, the ability to unvision for cat, the ability to have more than $100 for cat; While some other changes are refinements to the current spells, such as the sunkens are stronger and can no longer be blocked, infested terrans are spawned at a new place and spawn 1 by 1. By far, Mice have been having a pretty good game even with a noobie.

I would refer you to this post for more updates on this Classic version of my map.